
November 2, 2017

Mesa STEM Lecture Series Featured Animal Conservation Organization Wild Wonders

By Office of Communications

Kimberly with Kima the Kinkajou

On Thursday, Oct 26, San Diego Mesa College hosted a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Lecture with Wild Wonders Managing Director and Programs Manager Kimberly Wright. Accompanying Kim were organization volunteers, and some of their “furry, feathered, four-legged, and no-legged” animal ambassadors such as Frodo the Fennec Fox, Archie the Great Horned Owl, Holly Jolly the Hairy Armadillo, Brownie the Boa Constrictor, Kima the Kinkajou, and Dolce the American Alligator.  

This event was organized by Don Barrie, professor of geology at Mesa College and STEM Lecture Series coordinator, to educate and inspire the student and campus community. Supporting faculty include Irena Stojimirovich, professor of astronomy and Kevin Krown, professor of biology. Over 60 people attended, and many spoke afterwards with Kimberly.

Barrie’s goal with this STEM program is to, “expand the thinking of career opportunities that students typically have,” and to, “let students know when you get out of college, there are other ways to find your career than the formal process, and that sometimes getting involved with different organizations as a volunteer or intern can be how you find these career opportunities.”

The STEM Lecture Series program originated in 2014 as a Physical Sciences Lecture series made possible with a mini-grant from the San Diego Mesa College Foundation. Since then, it has expanded to include topics of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, and has been supported through funding from the Dean of Student Equity, Larry Maxey, and internal department funding. For information on upcoming STEM Lectures, please visit STEM Lecture Series Event Schedule.

Wild Wonders is a 10 acre facility that is home to over 120 confiscated, rescued, surrendered, and non-releasable animals from every continent except Antarctica. This organization is accredited by the Zoological Association of America and is internationally recognized for its efforts in conservation education. For more information on Wild Wonders and how you can support their efforts, visit Wild Wonders.

Tags: Animal Conservation, Wild Wonders, STEM Lecture Series

Additional Information


Jennifer Nichols Kearns
Director of Communications
(619) 388-2759