Latest News » LEED

  • San Diego Mesa College Kicked Off the Fine Arts Building Project

    October 19, 2017  |  Office of Communications

    Today, San Diego Mesa College hosted a start-of-construction event for the future of Fine Arts Building. The event was attended by nearly100 administrators, staff, students, faculty, construction partners and others. Guests were invited to sign or draw a picture on one of two large canvases to symbolize their connection to the new facility. Once the building is open, the mementos will be put on short-term display in the building.

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    Filed Under: Proposition S and N, Prop S+N, LEED, San Diego Mesa College Art Gallery, Fine Arts Building Project

  • New Heart and Hub on the Mesa

    September 10, 2016  |  Office of Communications

    San Diego Mesa College has a new center of campus life.

    The Mesa Commons, set for an official dedication on September 14, has become the new heart and hub for students at San Diego Mesa College. Adjacent to the new Sunrise Plaza at the east entry to the campus, the 73,000-square-foot facility offers students a place to study, shop, and eat. For students in the Culinary Arts/Culinary Management Program, it provides a state-of-the-art learning facility and laboratory.

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    Filed Under: LEED, Mesa Commons Unveiling, Mesa Commons