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  • School Spirit Pepped Up During Homecoming Week

    October 11, 2016  |  Lauren J. Mapp

    Spirit Week is taking over San Diego Mesa College campus this week, and as faculty, staff and students start to don their blue and gold, there are plenty of activities to celebrate with.

    Festivities start off early in the week with the Spirit Week Office Decorating Contest, the goal of which is to feature the school’s Olympian pride and spirit to increase a sense of community for the students. This year, eight departments on campus will be competing to win an office pizza party, $50 Mesa Café gift card or a basket of office treats for first, second and third prize respectively. The contest will be judged on Wednesday, Oct. 12, with winners being announced Thursday during the pep rally.

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    Filed Under: Homecoming, Spirit Week, Homecoming 2016