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  • Mesa College has been named a 2021 Equity Champion of Higher Education

    November 02, 2021  |  Office of Communications

    San Diego - San Diego Mesa College has been named a 2021 Equity Champion of Higher Education by The Campaign for College Opportunity for awarding Associate Degrees for Transfer (ADT) to Black and Latinx students. Colleges are recognized due to their actions to intentionally ensure that Black and Latinx students who have a transfer goal earn an ADT. This is determined via the percentage point gap (PPG), which identifies campuses, such as Mesa College, that are excelling in awarding ADTs to Latinx and Black students, relative to their campus wide ADT conferral rates. Across all California Community Colleges, Mesa is recognized as having a high proportion of degree or transfer seeking Black and Latinx students who received an ADT in the 2019-2020 academic year. This is achievement is indicative of the equity work in which Mesa College engages daily.

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    Filed Under: BLM, Equity Champion of Higher Education, ADT, Latinx