
August 30, 2023

The San Diego Mesa College Art Gallery will present The Resistance of the Echo & La Eco-Resistencia: a multimedia installation

By Office of Communications

gallery photo


Francisco Eme, Rebel, 2023, digital photograph printed in aluminum


San Diego, CA. - On Thursday, August 31, 2023, the San Diego Mesa College Art Gallery will host a reception for The Resistance of the Echo & La Eco-Resistencia: a multimedia installation by artist Francisco Eme. This multimedia installation is an urban ecology study focusing on the biological dynamics of a canyon situated in a suburb of San Diego. This work will be displayed through September 14th, in the San Diego Mesa College Art Gallery.


The Resistance of Echo & La Eco-Resistencia turned into a contemplative multimedia art project, an urban ecology study focusing on the biological dynamics of a canyon situated in a suburb of San Diego. The work in this exhibit is inspired by Francisco’s act of eco-resistance, taking hundreds of photographs, videos and audio recordings of the canyon behind their home for the past five years.

la resistania photo

Date/Time:       Reception: Thursday, August 31, 4-7 PM

                             Artist Talk and Concert: Thursday September 14, 5-7 PM

Exhibition Displayed: Tuesday, August 22nd  – Thursday, September 14th


Location:             Art Gallery FA-103

                              Event Parking in Lot #1. Park in STAFF spaces only

See the Mesa College Campus Map


Links: Video journal of the canyon

Instagram Journal

For more information about the exhibition and the Artist, see the Mesa College Newsroom article.


About the Mesa College Gallery: Galleries & Attractions (

Gallery Hours: M, T, W, TH 12 - 5 p.m. (Or by appointment.) Closed Fridays, Weekends & Holidays.

For additional information, please visit: or call (619) 818-3446


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Tags: Mesa Art Gallery, Art Exhibit