San Diego Mesa College’s Financial Literacy Series is back by popular demand to present students with more exciting speaker events for the fall 2018 semester.
Second-year student Zora Williams is using her voice to bring more mental health and nutrition programming to San Diego Mesa College. Williams was elected president of the college’s Associated Students (AS) for the 2024-2025 academic year and serves as the college’s student representative on the San Diego Community College District Board of Trustees.
Sometimes, you hear a story that makes you want to know more. Kevin Gonzalez has such a story. The last time this story was updated, San Diego Mesa College student Kevin Gonzalez was a 15 year-old heading off to Massachusetts to complete his high school education. In the ensuing years, he has travelled to the other side of the world, built houses, but remained in close contact with his Mesa College professors and connections he made while on campus.
The San Diego Community College District has appointed four new student trustees for the upcoming academic year. Dalia Ramirez (San Diego City College), Zora Williams (San Diego Mesa College), Hailey Hua (San Diego Miramar College), and Haydee Zuniga (San Diego College of Continuing Education), will be sworn in during the June 20 SDCCD Board of Trustees meeting.
March 5, 2018
On Thursday, March 1, 2018 the first of the Spring 2018 Financial Literacy Speaker Series events – The Tax Man Cometh – took place from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in LRC 435. Guest speaker, Paul Lim, addressed nearly 50 students, staff and faculty on the basics of income tax, issues to consider, how to calculate deductions, and various strategies the common working person can use to avoid paying too much in taxes each year. Attendees were busy taking notes and filing out the provided tax forms as Lim guided them through the process of filling in the right numbers on these often confusing forms.
Lim graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Economics from Johns Hopkins University and serves on the SDFLC (San Diego Financial Literacy Center) Board of Directors. He is a returning speaker from previous semesters, and has also presented at Mesa College on various topics like investment strategies.
Other Financial Literacy Speaker Series events this semester will cover topics like spending smart, important financial tools regarding your credit, investment fundamentals, and a special panel event to ask questions concerning any financial topic.
See the campus calendar for the schedule of the Spring 2018 Financial Literacy Speaker Series events.
Tags: San Diego Financial Literacy Center, Taxes, Financial Literacy Taskforce, Financial Literacy Speaker Series, Financial Literacy Series
Jennifer Nichols Kearns
Director of Communications
(619) 388-2759