Learn About DSPS Services and Accommodations
Accommodations are determined by a DSPS Counselor based on your individual needs and verified disability, offering support inside and beyond the classroom. If relevant to class time, you will want to speak with your professor(s) early in the semester to open a dialogue around the accommodations you will be receiving and how they can better assist you.
Disability Aware Training
Did you know DSPS offers an on-demand dynamic 3-hour course that dives deep into disability awareness, strategies, and connections? Request this transformative training for your department today!
*Trainings are synchronous and offered in-person and online, flex credit is available.
This Training Will Empower You To:
- Expand your general disability IQ and understand disabilities as they relate to higher education.
- Integrate simple accessibility tools and techniques.
- Connect students to DSPS.
- Foster relationships with DSPS staff and utilize DSPS resources to create strengthened
support systems for yourself and your students.
Disability Aware Training Request Form
In addition to Disability Aware Training we encourage you to learn more about Epilepsy Awareness and First Aid
Who's Receiving Support At Mesa?
The following list includes some of the general disability groups currently receiving services at Mesa College.
- Acquired Brain Injury (ABI)
- Autism
- Deaf/Hard of Hearing
- Learning Disability
- Mobility Limitation
- Mental Health
- Blind/Low Vision
- Other/Health
What Services and Accommodations Are Students Receiving?
- Priority Registration
- Note Taking Assistance
- Readers
- Speech to Text Services
- Test Proctoring
- Workability Job Placement
- Sign Language Interpreting
- Tutoring
- Adaptive Computer Software and Hardware
- Voice Recognition and Screen Readers
- Computer Assisted Learning Support
- Brailler (loan)
- Closed Circuit TV
- Assistive Listening Device
- Print Magnifier
- Digital Recorders/Players (loan)
- Wheelchair (loan)
Find Alternate Media and Assistance at the High Tech Center
The High Tech Center (HTC) provides Alternate Media Services and individualized training to help students with disabilities access assistive technology to benefit their studies. Speak with a DSPS Counselor to determine your eligibility and start receiving technology support.
Learn more about the High Tech Center (HTC)Learn About Test Accommodations
The DSPS Office administers over 3000 tests annually to provide all eligible students with an equalized testing opportunity. Meet with a DSPS Counselor to determine if you are eligible to receive test proctoring accommodations, including extra time to complete your tests or assignments.
Learn more about test proctoringGet a Temporary Parking Permit
DSPS can provide eligible students with a temporary 2-week parking permit, giving you time to complete your DMV parking placard application. You may either pick up your temporary pass at the DSPS office or receive it by mail. Contact or visit us to see if you have the proper documentation to be eligible.
Access the California DMV Disabled Person Parking Placard FormFind Pregnancy Accommodations
If you are pregnant, you qualify for DSPS support! We encourage you to submit a DSPS application to determine the appropriate accommodations for your circumstance. If you need to access a Lactation Room, you can find one in G-212 on the 2nd floor of the Humanities and Multicultural Studies Building. Please visit A-101 to gain access.