Prerequisite Clearance

Prerequisite Clearance

If you need to clear a prerequisite you can...

Email the District Office

An email can be sent to the Prerequisite Evaluators at our District Office: Include your student ID number, contact information and the specific course in which you want to enroll. Please attach an electronic copy of your transcripts that verify completed coursework.

A prerequisite course must have been taken at a regionally accredited college or university in which a grade of "C" or better has been earned. "D" grades are not acceptable.

Submit Proof Of Prerequisite/Corequisite (Online Form)

An online form can be submitted to clear prerequisites/corequisites. After completing the form, attach an electronic copy of your transcript which verifies completed coursework. Then submit the form, and check your email for updates regarding the status of the clearance. You can complete the online form here: proof of prerequisite/corequisite.

Attend a Drop-In Counseling Session

Students who have taken courses at another college or university may see a drop-in counselor with their unofficial transcripts. You may request to see a drop-in counselor by calling or emailing the Counseling Office at 619-388-2672 or Be sure to have an electronic copy of your transcript available.

Challenge the Prerequisite

If you have not taken the prerequisite course, but can demonstrate via an exam that you have the sufficient knowledge of the prerequisite course you may be able to clear the prerequisite.

Learn about Challenge Exams 
