Credit for Prior Learning (CPL)


What is Credit for Prior Learning?

Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) is college credit awarded for validated college-level skills and knowledge gained outside of a college classroom (Administrative Procedure AP-5235). Credit for prior learning may be earned for eligible courses approved by the faculty for students who satisfactorily pass an authorized assessment.

Student Process for Standardized Examinations

To receive credit for the achievement of a satisfactory score on:

  • Advanced Placement (AP) examination
  • International Baccalaureate (IB) examination
  • College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
  • DANTES Subject Standardization Test (DANTES/DSST)

View Credit for Standardized Tests

Student Process for Military (DD214, JST, CC of the Air Force)

  • Veterans start by visiting the Veteran's service (I-400 building first floor)
  • Credit may be available for courses taken through the various branches of the military as recommended by ACE Guide
  • Contact the Veterans Office or see a counselor to request additional credit for military service or school.

View Credit By Exam, Industry Standard, and Student Centered Portfolio

Student Process

For Credit by Exam, Industry Certification, Student Portfolio

Step One: Determine if the course is pre-approved for Credit for Prior Learning

To receive Credit for Prior Learning, you must first verify whether your desired course is approved.

Search the Credit for Prior Learning Course List

Note – if your desired course is not on the CPL list, contact the CPL coordinator, Tonya Whitfield

Step Two: Determine what method of Credit for Prior Learning is accepted for the course

Before completing the Credit for Prior Learning request in your student portal:

  • Consult the approved courses list and verify which type of assessment is accepted (i.e. exam, portfolio, military training, industry certification).
  • Military student only will request their JST be evaluated by the CPL coordinator by sending a copy of their JST (including the summary page) for review.

Step Three: Complete the online CPL request form

Complete the form with the following information:
  • Personal Information: Your Email, Phone, First and Last Name, Student ID, Date of Birth.
  • College: Select “Mesa College”
  • Form/Petition: Select “Credit for Prior Learning”
  • Petitioning for CPL based on: Respond with the option based on step two above
  • Eligibility Requirements: All 7 requirements must be true and checked, or you cannot apply for CPL.
  • Student Signature: Type your name to sign the form
  • Click “Send”

 Access the Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) Form


Step Four: Work with your assigned instructor to complete your CPL assessment

The District Evaluations office will process your request for CPL. Once verified and approved, a unique course in Canvas will be created for you. The instructor assigned to your CPL course will contact you to schedule the exam or request materials to assess your industry certification or portfolio. 

Step Five: Accept or Decline the Grade in JIRA

After completing the CPL assessment (exam, portfolio, or industry certification), students will receive a notification through JIRA to ACCEPT OR DECLINE the grade earned for the class based on the CPL assessment.

It is imperative that you meet with a counselor BEFORE accepting or declining your CPL course grade, as there are possible implications for UC and CSU transfer students.

If the Course is Not on Approved List

Contact CPL Coordinator Tonya Whitfield at for possible options.


Tonya Whitfield - CPL Coordinator

Monica Romero - Dean supporting CPL faculty

View FAQ & CPL Resources for Faculty

Things to Know About CPL

Students should always contact a counselor to discuss CPL and transfer options.

  1. CPL Options: Credit by Exam, Portfolio, Industry Certification, or Military Transcripts (JST)
  2. Is your course on the approved list?
    • If yes, direct the student to the student steps above, which guides the student through the process.
    • If the student is considering CPL for a course not yet on the list, they should contact the CPL coordinator.
    • If no, direct the student to the CPL coordinator, Tonya Whitfield
  3. Has the student taken or registered for the class? They should not be registered or ever attempted the course.
  4. If the student is a veteran, has the student had their military JST records evaluated for potential credit from training?
    • Military students should request their military JST with summary be evaluated for credit for prior learning.


Tonya Whitfield at
