Governance 101
Mesa College's institutional governance structure encourages the process of independent and critical thinking based on good observation, questioning and research protocols. This governance process is participatory, meaning that all vested interest groups or individuals have the opportunity to voice opinions. When decisions are formulated based on these standards, the College benefits from the creativity of participating groups.
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Shared Governance at Mesa
View Presentation FullscreenWorking Together at Mesa College
The Mesa College administration is represented in institutional governance through membership on the Deans' Council, leadership of the schools, and representation on the President's Cabinet and other participatory governance committees.
The faculty is represented in institutional governance through the Academic Senate, President's Cabinet, Chairs Committee, school meetings, and other participatory governance committees. The faculty exercises a voice in academic programs and curricula and faculty personnel through committees such as Academic Review Committee, Student Services Council, Curriculum Review Committee, Academic Affairs Committee, Academic Program Review Committee, and through the faculty hiring process.
Classified Professionals
The Classified Professionals are represented in institutional governance through the Classified Senate, President's Cabinet, school meetings, hiring committees, and other participatory governance committees.
The Associated Students Government is the representative body of the students in the participatory governance process at Mesa College. The Associated Students President and Vice President represent students on the President's Cabinet. Student participation in campus affairs is also strengthened by membership on many college committees.
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Former Associated Student President, Phoebe Truong, discusses the importance of student involvement and the value of diversity, equity, and inclusion in shared governance.
Communication & Transparency
The Classified Senate provides an introduction to the topic of Communication and Transparency, discuss the role of classified professionals in Shared Governance.
Strategies for Effective Committees
Former Academic Senate President, John Crocitti provides an introduction on strategies for effective committees.
Governance Resources
The Governance Handbook is updated annually by the Planning and Institutional Effectiveness Committee [PIEC]. It serves as the foundation for planning and decision-making processes at Mesa College.
Governance is a critical part of both the development of our integrated plans and our ability to implement the plans we develop.
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Learn how to join a committee at Mesa.