(Academic Senate Office: Room A117) (Phone Number: 619-388-2733)
Spring 2025 Senators and Executive Officers
Spring 2025 Academic Senate/Senate Executive Meeting Schedules
Spring 2025 Academic Senate Executive Committee Roster
2023 2024 Committee Membership Recruitment
Video Instructions - Enrollment for SDMC AS Membership Dues
San Diego Mesa College has an active Academic Senate that meets twice each month during the fall and spring semesters. We have fully invested and extremely involved Faculty participants.
The Senate serves as a forum for Faculty to discuss issues that impact Faculty and our Students. Academic Senate Resolutions that address issues that are under our purview are brought forth by the Senate Executive Officers to the appropriate District and College committees for consideration after they are approved by the San Diego Mesa College Academic Senate.
The Senate is composed of at least one (1) Full-Time Faculty Representative from every department/discipline at the college who are elected by their Department Faculty. There are also five (5) Adjunct Faculty Representatives who are elected by the college's Adjunct Faculty Members.
The Mesa College Academic Senate also seeks the support of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) )in Professional and Curricular Matters.
In accordance with provisions of the California Education Code, the Faculty at-Large nominates and duly elects one (1) President Elect to serve a four-year term and one (1) Secretary, one (1) Treasurer, two (2) Senators at Large. We elect one (1) Vice President to serve a two-year term during the second year of the President Elect's term. All Elected Officers serve as members of the Senate Executive Committee. The President Elect assumes the role of President during the second year of their term and serves as President for two (2) years. The President also serves as our Delegate during the fall/spring ASCCC Plenary sessions and represents our Senate at the ASCCC Area D Regional meetings that are held before each fall/spring ASCCC Plenary session. The President Elect serves the last year of their four-year term as the Immediate Past President after serving two years as President as a member of the Senate Executive Committee in order to provide continuity.
AB 1725, the California Education Code and Title 5 of the Barclays California Code of Regulations give our Senate the authority to maintain its functions and responsibilities at San Diego Mesa College.
The Senate is closely aligned and coordinated with each department/discipline on campus through a council of Department Chairs. The Committee of Chairs (COC) meets every month during the fall and spring semesters. The Chair of the CoC also serves on the Senate Executive Committee.
The Faculty Chairs of the Academic Affairs Committee and Professional Advancement Committee (PAC) also serve on the Senate Executive Committee. The Faculty Co-Chairs of the Curriculum Review Committee (CRC )and the Program Review Committee also serve on the Senate Executive Committee. The Academic Affairs Committee, CoC, CRC and Professional Advancement Committee are Standing Committees of the Academic Senate. The CRC and Program Review Committee are Shared Governance committees with Administrative, Classified, Faculty and Student representatives.
The President, President Elect or Vice President, Chair of the CoC and Chair of the Academic Affairs Committee also serve on President's Cabinet.
The Senate offers extensive and open access to its deliberations. It promotes the interests of the Faculty through its Standing Committees, its representation on College and District committees and its access to the San Diego Community College District's Board of Trustees (BOT).