Outcomes Assessment

Outcomes Assessment at Mesa

At Mesa College, faculty, staff, and administrators have a responsibility to our students to continuously improve the teaching and learning process based on our mission and values.  Outcomes are developed and assessed in Instruction at the course and program levels, in Student Services at the area and program levels, and in Administration at the unit level.  Outcomes Assessment is the process of collecting information that will tell the College whether the services, activities, or experiences it offers are having the desired impact on those who partake in them. Ongoing dialogue based in the assessment process and review promotes a dynamic assessment plan, enhances institutional effectiveness, fosters continuous improvement of educational quality, and is central to our planning and budgeting decisions.

View Outcomes Assessment Handbook


Year 1 - 2022/23

  • Outcomes Across Campus (occurs within each unit at start of semester)
    • Reflections on previous cycle.
    • Develop a plan to review, revise, and reaffirm outcomes and share with unit practitioners (including Lead Writer).
    • Review Institutional Learning Outcomes results.
    • Develop unit goals and action plans, as appropriate and share with Lead Writer.
  • Coordinate a system to support Faculty and Student Services Professionals to review, revise, or reaffirm all CLOs, PLO, SSOs, and ILOs.
  • Support processes for validating the active course list.
  • DOC reports all outcomes and course changes to Faculty Outcomes Coordinator (ongoing).
  • Program Review Lead Writer indicates accuracy of Learning/Student Service Outcomes for their unit during program review (ongoing).
  • COA reviews, revises and/or reaffirms ILOs.

*Note: Some units will follow their own assessment timeline based on external accreditation requirements or other department standards that would require more frequent assessments (i.e., Units that need to assess each semester).

Year 2 - 2023/24

  • Outcomes Across Campus (occurs within each unit at start of semester)
    • Review validated outcomes list (developed during year 1) with unit practitioners (including Lead Writer).
    • Identify all Gateway Courses and share them with the Faculty Outcomes Coordinator (Gateway Courses are defined as introductory courses in a program of study).
    • Review Institutional Learning Outcomes results.
    • Develop unit goals and action plans, as appropriate, and share with Lead Writer.
  • Assess all Course Learning Outcomes in Gateway Courses.
  • Assess all Student Service Outcomes (ongoing).
  • Results of all assessments due in Nuventive by June 30.
  • Develop assessment schedule for remaining courses to be assessed during years 3 and 4. Submit assessment schedule in Nuventive.
  • COA and Institutional Effectiveness create system to ensure systematic, timely, and accurate updates to CurriQunet Meta.
  • DOC reports all outcomes and course changes to Faculty Outcomes Coordinator (ongoing).

*Note: Some units will follow their own assessment timeline based on external accreditation requirements or other department standards that would require more frequent assessments (i.e., Units that need to assess each semester).

Year 3 - 2024/25

    • Outcomes Across Campus (occurs within each unit at start of semester)
      • Review data from previous years’ assessments.
      • Review Institutional Learning Outcomes results.
      • Develop unit goals and action plans, as appropriate and share with Lead Writer.
    • Assess course learning outcomes per units' assessment schedule.
    • Assess all Student Service Outcomes (ongoing).
    • Results of all assessments due in Nuventive by June 30.
    • DOC reports all outcomes and course changes to Faculty Outcomes Coordinator (ongoing).

*Note: Some units will follow their own assessment timeline based on external accreditation requirements or other department standards that would require more frequent assessments (i.e., Units that need to assess each semester).

Year 4 - 2025/26

  • Outcomes Across Campus (occurs within each unit at start of semester)
    • Review data from previous years’ assessments.
    • Review Institutional Learning Outcomes results.
    • Develop unit goals and action plans, as appropriate and share with Lead Writer.
  • Assess all remaining course learning outcomes per units' assessment schedule.
  • Assess all Student Service Outcomes (ongoing).
  • Results of all assessments due in Nuventive by June 30.
  • DOC reports all outcomes and course changes to Faculty Outcomes Coordinator (ongoing).
  • Prepare to review summary of CLO data as one way to assess unit’s PLOs, or create a separate tool for assessment of unit’s PLOs. Results of all assessments due in Nuventive by June 30.

*Note: Some units will follow their own assessment timeline based on external accreditation requirements or other department standards that would require more frequent assessments (i.e., Units that need to assess each semester).

Download Outcomes Assessment Timeline

Institutional Learning Outcomes


  • Respond appropriately to incoming information in a variety of ways, including: written, oral, visual, auditory, and kinesthetic
  • Communicate awareness of how diversity and multiple perspectives shape and impact individual experiences and society as a whole
  • Converse with civility and appropriateness for situational context

Critical Thinking

  • Effectively interpret, analyze, synthesize, explain, and infer concepts and ideas
  • Construct and deconstruct arguments
  • Demonstrate quantitative or qualitative competency
  • Apply problem-solving methods in appropriate context toward making decisions
  • Come to rational conclusions based on evidence
  • Think independently, creatively, and logically

 Information Literacy

  • Gather, analyze, evaluate, and disseminate appropriate information using multiple modalities
  • Utilize 21st-century tools effectively, ethically, and responsibly in information acquisition and distribution
  • Cultivate the skills necessary for life-long learning

 Professional and Ethical Behavior

  • Practice responsible, professional, and civil conduct in the classroom, workplace, community, digital world, and the natural environment
  • Demonstrate the ability to work both independently and collaboratively
  • Develop the cultural sensitivity needed to resolve conflicts and build alliances

 Global Consciousness

  • Recognize the interconnectedness of global, national, and local concerns from multiple perspectives
  • Exhibit awareness, appreciation, and respect for the diversity of individuals in one's immediate environment as well as in the global community
  • Apply knowledge of diversity and multicultural competencies to promote equity and social justice in our communities

View ILO Crosswalk with ACCJC Standards

 View ILO Assessment Dashboard

Program Learning Outcomes

View the full list of Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs).

Download List of PLOs

Committee on Outcomes & Assessment

The Committee on Outcomes and Assessment (COA) has, as its primary goal, to facilitate an equitable, accessible, and meaningful learning experience for all Mesa students

View the Committee on Outcomes Assessment
