Hispanic Serving Institution
(updated August, 2021)
HSI Grants Office:
Ikuko Nemoto McAnally Administrative Technician619-388-5974, LRC-462

Title V Grant
Proyecto Éxito
In the Fall 2014, Mesa College was awarded a “Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions-Title V” five-year grant in the amount of $2.62 million. This represents only one of approximately 25 such grants that were awarded nationwide. The purpose of the grant is to improve the retention and graduation rates of Mesa’s diverse population, particularly its Latino students, through systemic, institutional changes and improvements. Mesa’s HSI / Title V program is entitled Proyecto Éxito, a name that combines the idea of successfully exiting with a degree, certificate, or transfer-readiness with the Spanish word for “success.” Mesa will use grant funds to help a higher proportion of its low-income and Latino students experience academic success, allowing them to “exit” Mesa with their goals met.
Proyecto Exito, Mesa's Hispanic Serving Institution's Title V Grant is half way through its five year award. The program continues to develop and pilot professional learning, academic support and student engagement activities as well as support the work of course redesign across the campus.
Stay informed about the grants projects and outcomes by following our blog @ http://mesaproyectoexito.wordpress.com
- Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) Conference
- Mathletics
- English Language Acquisition (ELAC) Redesign
- CRUISE Program
- Peer Navigator Program
- AVANZA (Student Engagement Center)
- Classroom Tutoring Program
- Professional Learning - LOFT (Learning Opportunities for Transformation)
- Campus Conexiones
Critical Grant Imperatives
Program Outcomes
- Impact of HSI Funding/Support on Department-Level Program Reviews - 2019-2020
- Grant Updates - Spring 2019 / 2017-2018
- Alliance of Hispanic Serving Institution Educators (AHSIE) Conference Recap - 2019 / 2018 / 2017
- Mathletics Outcomes - Mathletics Dashboard 2018-2019 / Fall 2017
- Classroom Tutoring Student Demographics and Outcomes - Fall 2015 through Summer 2018
- Summer CRUISE Student Outcomes - CRUISE Dashboard 2017-2018 / 2016-2017 / 2015-2016
Explore more
- Proyecto Éxito Presentation
- Objectives Overview
- Development Process
- System of Integration
- Grant Reporting Structure (Year 5) - updated spring 2019
Position Responsibilities