Classical Music:
- Voice
- Guitar
- Piano
- Percussion (snare drum, marimba, vibraphone, xylophone)
- Alto Saxophone
- Flute
- Clarinet
We are looking for highly motivated students who have already been studying private music lessons seriously with a teacher for 5-8 years having prior experience in Classical Music or Jazz, knowledge of their instrument, and are focused on earning one of our degrees that require Applied Music (AA Music Performance or AA Music for Transfer). The best candidates will have performance skills and musicality. A solid record of successful involvement in the Music Department is a plus. There are 15 slots total for Applied Music MUSI 274A/B/C/D. An aditional 3-5 slots are reserved for Individualized Study MUSI 174A-D, which is exclusively for students showing musical skill in passing the audition but play instruments that are not currently offered for MUSI 274A-D (such as violin, cello, trombone, oboe, etc.). Students in MUSI 174A-D may also be pursuing non-performance degrees but wish to develop their music performance skills. How many open slots there are depends on the number of returning students and/or graduating students each semester. Developing strong sight reading skills is a part of all weekly lessons, the weekly master class, and Juries for all instruments/vocalists in both Classical and Jazz.
We are currently offering auditions only for the following areas of Applied Music at San Diego Mesa College.
Classical Music:
View Applied Music Courses (MUSI 174A-D & MUSI 274A-D)
Applied Music Faculty & *Staff
Dr. Thomas Babin (Classical & Jazz Acoustic & Electric Bass)
Ian Bassett (Classical Guitar)
Sean Bassett (Classical Guitar)
Dr. Asher Tobin Chodos (Jazz & Classical Piano)
Dr. J. Craig Johnson (Classical Voice)
Dr. Jeong-eun Joo (Classical Voice)
Lesi Mei (Classical Piano)
Dr. N. Scott Robinson (Applied Music Coordinator, Jazz Drumset/Vibes & Classical Percussion)
Ian Tordella (Jazz Alto/Tenor Saxophones/Flute/Clarinet & Classical Alto Saxophone/Flute/Clarinet)
Louis Valenzuela (Jazz Electric Guitar, Acoustic & Electric Bass)
Dr. Charles Washington (Jazz Trumpet & Jazz Piano)
*Woan-rong Winterling (Piano Accompanist)
Steps to Audition
Submit an Applied Music Application
You will need to submit an application to the Applied Music Coordinator to demonstrate your interest in the program courses. If you qualify, you will be scheduled for a time slot on the day auditions are held. Your application should be submitted no later than 9:00 pm, the day before auditions. Email completed applications no later than 24 hours before audition to Dr. N. Scott Robinson. After your application is pre-screened, you will be sent an audition time slot (held the 1st Thursday of each semester - See Applied Music Auditions Date)
Fill Out an Application for Applied Music Audition
Prepare for Your Audition
Music Performance majors must choose either Classical or Jazz for their audition. If you are admitted to the degree program, you may incorporate multiple talents in weekly master classes and recitals as long as your assignments are met each week in your major area of focus. All instrumentalists in Classical or Jazz (except vocalists and drummers) may be asked to play major and minor scales 2 octaves in addition to the specific requirements below.
Choose Classical Music or Jazz (but not both)
Classical Music
All Jazz instrumentalists/vocalists can bring their own accompanying musicians to the audition if desired or play along to iReal Pro accompaniment tracks. Equipment will need to be set up before the audition and tested (piano, bass/guitar amps, and drumset will be provided). Be prepared to play the head, accompany, and then improvise over the form.
Create an Education Plan in Your 2nd Semester
If you wish to declare Music Performance, Music for Transfer, Music Studies, or Music Technology as your major or pursue the Music Theory, Music Composition, or Music Technology Certificates of Achievement, you will need to contact a Music Counselor to create your Education Plan. Your Ed Plan will help you plan out your course schedule so you can satisfy your AA degree/certificate requirements and prepare to graduate and/or transfer.
Contact Music Counselor Miriam Pacheco or another academic counslor