
Mesa 2030 Comprehensive Master Plan

The Mesa2030 Comprehensive Master plan is a high-level planning document that outlines our Educational and Facilities vision for the next 10 years. The plan was developed by a representative taskforce appointed by the Planning and Institutional Effectiveness Committee and was approved by the San Diego Community College District Board in May 2021.

View Mesa2030 Comphrensive Master Plan PDF

Mesa2030 Goals

Mesa2030 Goals are a call to action that describe what the College intends to accomplish over the coming decade. All other College-wide planning, including unit-level planning in program review, will describe how departments and units will do their part to achieve the Mesa2030 Goals. This integration of short-term planning with long-term planning ensures that the College will direct the investment of its human, physical, and fiscal resources to strategies that promise to advance the Mesa2030 Goals.

Mesa 2030 Facilities Planning Principles

Facilities Planning Principles are the key drivers for the site and facilities recommendations. These principles are based on the Mesa2030 Goals, analysis of site and facilities data, and priorities identified by the College’s programs and services.

Presentation to the Board on Mesa2030 Comprehensive Master Plan Presentation starts at minute 41 and runs through 1:10
