San Diego Mesa College's faculty and staff have a wide variety of skills and expertise ranging from local politics, ethnomusicology, and American literature to genetics, physics, and behavioral analysis. Specialists are associated with one or more categories that are either in their field of study or general interest. More
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The specialists list is maintained by the Office of Communications. For questions, comments or to submit your information to be added as a specialist please contact Jennifer Nichols Kearns, Director of Communications. Those individuals whose information is listed have agreed to be contacted by and responsive to media requests.
Name | Expertise/Interests | Department |
ProfessorBiology![]() |
Biology, Ecology Area of ExpertiseMarine biology, biology of echinoderms (sea urchins and their allies), Coral reef ecology, Kelp forest ecology, Independent filmmakingMore: Paul Detwiler is a professor of biology at San Diego Mesa College. His expertise is in marine biology and ecology. He specializes in marine invertebrate zoology (especially the biology of echinoderms) and in the ecology of coral reefs, kelp forests, and rocky intertidal zones. He's also knowledgeable about independent filmmaking. Role at MesaProfessor, BiologyDegrees
Biology |