Service Learning

What is Service Learning?

Service Learning is for all students.  Students receive valuable skills and experience while providing a service to community organizations and gaining a greater comprehension of the course material and concepts through reflecting on their service activity.  Students apply hands-on learning in the real world, acquire new skills, and explore career options.

How to Participate in Service Learning

  1. Ask your instructor if there are service learning opportunities in your class.  Share this website with your instructor if service learning is not already part of the class curriculum.  Fill out the WBL student online participation request or contact the Work-Based Learning Team for support.
  2. Discuss with your instructor whether the service learning project will be optional, required, extra credit or honors credit and what the assignment guidelines will be (i.e., number of hours and reflection activities).
  3. Complete the Volunteer Interest Inventory Form to determine what type of service may fit your interests.
  4. Search for Service Learning opportunities by contacting your chosen community organization(s) to check for availability. Students can only serve organizations on the Community Partners list. Please check with the Work-Based Learning Team for the list. See Sample Email/Phone Call Form for initial contact with organization.
  5. Complete and submit to your instructor the signed (student and supervisor) Placement Agreement Form or Placement Agreement Short Form (for one-time events or less than 8 hours).
  6. Complete and submit to your instructor the Service Learning Log Form with supervisor signature.
  7. Complete and submit to your instructor the Post-Service Evaluation Form of your service learning experience.