Welcome to Mesa student services!
Student Services is dedicated to creating the conditions that matter for our students to succeed! We do this by providing pathways that inspire, engage and empower our diverse communities and through values steeped in equity and excellence.
Our role is to support you as you walk the path from admissions, engagement, obtainment of a certificate and/or degree, graduation, transfer, real-work experience and career exploration.. This support can be found in our offices, including -
- Admissions, Assessment/Testing, Associated Students, Career, Counseling and Orientation, Evaluations, Financial Aid, Outreach Student Affairs, Student Development, Student Success and Equity, Student Health, Transfer, Veterans and Records and the Vice President of Student Services Office.
Support is also found through programs for students with varied abilities, first-generation, low-income and diverse populations, including
- AB 540/Borderless Scholars, AVANZA Engagement Center, CalWORKs, CARE, DSPS, EOPS, Former Foster Youth/NextUp, Formerly Incarcerated Students, the Pride Center, the Dreamer Center, STAR TRIO and The Stand: Dr. Pamela T. Luster Resource Center.
Our offices are located in the Student Services Center, I400 where we offer computers, open study spaces, a Serenity Room, pay for print stations and the Terrace Café.
Come see us often. We're glad you're here.
Fall 2023 Student Services Hours
The Mesa Journeys tool provides information to over 35+ support programs and services to help you succeed.
The “Mesa Journeys” tool is a short survey asking various questions about your demographics
and educational goals. Based on your responses, the application will then provide
you a list of recommended programs and services that may help you with your educational
journey here at Mesa College. It only takes 2 minutes, start your journey now at:
What is Mesa Journeys?
Student Services Center I-400
FAST Center K-101
The Stand K-105/6
Veterans Success Center K-103/4
Pride Center D102
Building Hours: M-TH: 8:00-6:00 l F: 8:00-1:00
Mesa Live Chat: http://www.bit.ly/mesalivechat
Live Chat Hours: ____
Annual Plan
reports & Updates
- Student Accounting
- Financial-Aid
- Outreach
- Financial Aid
- Cal WORKs
- Commencement
- Academic Calendar & Key Dates
- Deadlines
our values
We value equity and inclusiveness and are strengthened by the cultural mosaic of our community.
We value authentic respect, communication, and interaction with others, and promote
an environment that encourages the responsible exchange of divergent opinions.
We value creativity, fresh-thinking, and new ideas that advance our practice and services to
Excellence and Continuous Improvement
We value accountability through ongoing,meaningful, reflection, and dialogue about
the holistic student experience which informs our planning, growth, and progress.
Access, Learning, & Success
We value and support our students in pursuit of their personal and educational goals;
we commit ourselves to support them and ensure that we are good stewards of our resources.
We value and support all members of our college community and are committed to fostering
a synergistic environment that promotes teamwork, communication, active participation,
and professional development.
We value honest, clear dialogue and action with our students and college community.