Outcomes & Assessment Guide
Course Learning Outcomes
What to Enter Into Taskstream
What should be entered into Taskstream?
Once your assessments are complete, data have been collected, and faculty have had a chance to analyze and to evaluate the outcome, the information must be added into our data management system.
Process information to be entered should include:
- Course number and title
- Assessment design participants
- Course learning outcome that was assessed
- Assessment method
- Measurement goal
- Timeline
- Assessment delivery
- Course section information
Assessment results may be entered as:
- Qualitative or quantitative data
- Formative or summative data
- Rubrics
- Narrative Response
- Documented conversations regarding outcomes
- Performances (video or other digital imaging)
- Presentations (video or other digital imaging)
- Documentation of the faculty discussion of assessment results
The Action Plan describing planned changes and needed resources to improve student success should include:
- Explanation of any changes you intend to implement
- Required Resources
- Timeline
- Individuals responsible for implementing your planned changes
- How will you assess whether the planned changes were successful once implemented?