iMesa San Diego Mesa College's Mobile App
Mesa Pathways



The technology workgroup coordinates technology and technology resources as they relate to the work of Mesa Pathways.


  1. Oversee the Mesa College website redesign as it relates to Mesa Pathways.
  2. Do an inventory of existing Pathways tools/Develop a Master List of technology tools already in use to identify existing pathways related technology needs and tools already being utilized.
  3. Develop a checklist/buying guide for the adoption of Pathways related technology.


  1. Creation of webpages for ACP’s
  2. Development and implementation of a technology solution to display and update program maps on the Mesa College website.

Meeting Times:

1st and 3rd Wednesdays from 11:00am-12:00noon

Agendas & Meeting Notes:

Spring Semester 2022 Fall Semester 2022


Name Title Department / Program / Affiliations
Jennifer Kearns Information Officer Communications Office
Ian Duckles Philosphy Contact Philosophy Department
Joel Arias Classified Professional Web Design & Development
Anne Hedekin Faculty Transfer Center Coordinator
Dani Perez Padilla Fellow Pathways 
Jocelyn DeSantiago-Ramirez Fellow Pathways 
Marisa Alioto Faculty Counseling, GP Co-Coordinator