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Mesa Pathways

Proactive and Integrated Resources & Supports (PAIRS)

Sunsetted Fall 2021


Proactive and Integrated Resources & Supports (PAIRS) will work with the campus community to integrate supports proactively along students’ educational journeys, identifying and addressing inequity and structures of oppression where we find them.


  1. Assess student needs and gaps in understanding related to support services.
  2. Inquire into methods and opportunities for building direct relationships with students through student and academic support services.
  3. Assess departmental capacities & resource needs for both instructional and student support services.
  4. Determine opportunities for collaboration and sharing of resource with and among various grants and other resources available to the campus to ensure success and longevity of these programs.


  1. Meet students where they are: student research related to service perceptions and gaps will be explored. Proposals for enhanced services will be developed.
  2. Assess departmental capacities & needs: assessments will help determine needs.
  3. Broad collaboration among support areas: opportunities for large-scale/innovative means for collaboration will be recommended.

Meeting Times:

Meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month from 4:00pm – 5:00pm. Meetings are being held virtually until further notice.

Meeting Dates:

Spring Semester 2021
  • February 3 & 17
  • March 3 & 17
  • April 7 & 21
  • May 5 & 19

Agendas & Meeting Notes:

Spring Semester 2021 Fall Semester 2020
Spring Semester 2020 Fall Semester 2019


Name Title Department / Program / Affiliations
Gina Abbiate (Co-Chair) Professor and Math Chair Math
Trina Larson (Co-Chair) Administrative Asst V Student Services
Johanna Aleman Basic Needs Coordinator Student Services
Marisa Alioto Pathways Coordinator Counseling
Markus Berrien Assistant Professor/Counselor EOPS/NextUP
Sade Burrell Assistant Professor/Counselor EOPS/CARE/NextUp
Jennifer Cost Professor English
Ailene Crakes Dean Student Development
Jocelyn De Santiago-Ramirez Pathways Fellow/Outreach Pathways
Leticia Diaz Director EOPS
Linda Hensley Dean Humanities
Erika Higginbotham Professor DSPS
Hai Hoang Research Analyst Research Office
Leroy Johnson Professor Counseling
Suzanne Khambata Asst. Athletic Director / Head Coach Student Health Services
Kim Lester Coach Athletics
Lindy Mosqueda Pathways Fellow/Outreach Pathways
Isabel O’Connor Vice President Instruction
Katie Palacios Assistant Professor LOFT
Brian Mackus Instructional Support Supervisor STEM
Symone McDaniels Assistant Professor LRAS
Olivia Picolla SST Evaluations
Chris Sullivan Professor English