
September 14, 2023

San Diego Mesa College Included In Generation Hopes Inaugural FamilyU Seal List

List Honors Higher Education Institutions Making Strides to Support Student Parents

By Jennifer N. Kearns

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WASHINGTON - September 14, 2023 - Generation Hope, a nonprofit dedicated to ensuring all student parents have the opportunities to succeed and experience economic mobility, announced today that San Diego Mesa College is among one of fourteen colleges chosen in its inaugural FamilyU Seal recipients. The FamilyU Seal program is a national certification for higher education institutions making significant strides in intentionally serving parenting students. The Seal also recognizes nonprofit organizations that are directly serving parenting students and in doing so are achieving outstanding outcomes. 


“As the Leading College of Equity and Excellence, seeing and serving the whole student is crucial to our mission,” stated Dr. Ashanti T. Hands, President of San Diego Mesa College. “This seal is a symbol of our active commitment to make space for – and be equitable to - our student-parents, so that they can succeed, not just for themselves, but for their families as well.”


San Diego Mesa College and the other higher education institutions selected for the 2023 FamilyU Seal were evaluated in accordance with the framework of Generation Hope’s FamilyU program, which works to build a more inclusive and supportive higher education ecosystem for student parents. The recipients on this year’s list exhibit a dedication to investing in student parents and cultivating environments that better serve this population. In 2022, San Diego Mesa College was included in the second cohort of higher education institutions participating in their FamilyU technical assistance program to increase the number of parenting college students who complete their programs and graduate. 


“Over the years, it has been thrilling to witness more institutions and nonprofit organizations investing in the success of student parents, as Generation Hope has been working to guarantee they have the support and resources they need to graduate and experience economic mobility since 2010,” said Nicole Lynn Lewis, Founder and CEO of Generation Hope. “We are thrilled to honor those institutions and nonprofit organizations through the FamilyU Seal program that are not only acknowledging parenting students but also aiding their pathway to and through college.” 


The higher education institutions and nonprofit organizations selected for the 2023 FamilyU Seal are:   

  • George Mason University 
  • Madison College
  • Misericordia University Ruth Matthews Bourger Women with Children Program
  • Montgomery College
  • Mott Community College
  • Mount Mary University
  • Mount Wachusett Community College
  • Northern Virginia Community College
  • Oregon State University
  • Palo Alto College
  • San Diego Mesa College
  • St. Catherine University
  • Trinity Washington University
  • Jeremiah Program 


Read the full Press Release in the Generation Hope Newsroom.


About Generation Hope

To ensure all student parents have the opportunities to succeed and experience economic mobility, Generation Hope engages education and policy partners to drive systemic change and provides direct support to teen parents in college as well as their children through holistic, two-generation programming. @supportgenhope


About Basic Needs at San Diego Mesa College

The Stand, at San Diego Mesa College seeks to alleviate basic needs insecurity for our students by providing a safe and secure environment where all students have access to free resources both on campus and in the community including but not limited to food, professional clothing, transportation, childcare, housing, personal health, books and school supplies to help them succeed both in the classroom and in the community. We accomplish this by providing direct student support where student can meet with a basic needs counselor as well as a food pantry and clothing closet at San Diego Mesa College that assists students with no-cost food and clothing resources. Resources from The Stand are available to all students. We also provide education to the campus and local community about basic needs insecurity. #WeAreMesa


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LinkedIn: San Diego Mesa College

Tags: San Diego MEsa College, Generation Hope, higher education equity