By Josh Edler Davis
Hello GramFam, I am Joshua Edler Davis, and I am proud to serve as Editor-In-Chief
for The Gramblinite.
I am a senior mass communications major from San Diego. This is my second year attending
Grambling State University. I am a graduate of Grossmont College and am an alumnus
of Morse High School in San Diego.
My transition to Grambling was facilitated by getting involved with the mass communications
department. The TV Center, KGRM, and The Gramblinite all have the resources for students to create content.
My first experience as a journalist was at San Diego Mesa College, where I worked
as a Staff Writer. I was able to gain experience covering local news and writing opinion
pieces. After I finish school I plan to pursue a career as a political journalist.
I also played one season of basketball while attending Mesa College.
My mother being a graduate of Howard Law School, she encouraged me to consider HBCUs
after finishing my associate degree. Grambling State University was one of few schools
I applied to and was the first to accept me. After receiving my Associate’s degree
in communications, I accepted my offer letter to attend Grambling State university.
My major goal as Editor-In-Chief would be to revive the physical copy of The Gramblinite. This goal cannot be achieved alone so I plan to encourage students who aren’t mass
communications majors to get involved in student media.
I would like to thank Dr. Ceeon Smith and the instructors of The Gramblinite for encouraging me and trusting me with this position.
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Tags: Alumni, San Diego MEsa College, Mesa Alumni