
April 17, 2023

Mesa College Fashion Reunites with the History Center for a Fashion Redux that will be Totally Awesome

By Office of Communications

Fashion Redux

San Diego, CA ---- FASHION REDUX 2023 GLAM 80’s finale party and fashion show with this year’s designer challenge focuses on historic garments from the 1980s. Relive it – or experience it anew - either way, it will be totally awesome.


This year, The San Diego History Center and Mesa College’s Fashion Program celebrate a 12-year collaboration for Fashion Redux 2023. Fashion Redux is an annual design competition for students in the Fashion Program at San Diego Mesa College. Students are challenged to design a look that incorporates structural elements inspired by historic garments held in the San Diego History Center’s Historic Clothing and Textile Collection.


“We are especially excited for this exhibition because this year is the first time that Fashion Redux is being held fully in person since COVID, stated Jordyn Smiley, Associate Professor of Fashion at San Diego Mesa College. Being able to see the students' work up close and hear from the designers in person will add so much more to the experience.  


The theme for this year's exhibit is the 1980s, and the students were inspired by both historical garments from the San Diego History Center and the powerful themes of the decade.  The 1980s were a time of vibrance and larger-than-life styles, but they are also known for being an era of great upheaval and global change. The winning student designs encompassed a variety of these themes from the AIDS crisis to 1980s glam style icons, resulting in a collection of vibrant, powerful garments. 


Four finalists have their completed designs on exhibit at the San Diego History Center, along with the inspiration pieces from the Historic Clothing and Textile Collection on exhibit starting April 20, 2023.


Program includes gallery opening, presentation of final four garments with live models, voting and announcement of the People’s Choice Award, and a Q&A with the student designers. Beverages and light refreshments will be available.


Date/Time:        Fashion ReDux Opening Night Reception

                          Thursday, April 20, 2023, 6:00-7:45 pm


Tickets:             SDHC Members $10, General- $15

                          Tickets available via the San Diego History Center webpage here

                          Visit: 80s



Location:          San Diego History Center

                          Balboa Park, 1649 El Prado, Suite 3
                          San Diego, CA 92101                       

                          Free parking


About The San Diego History Center

The San Diego History Center, a Smithsonian Affiliate, has been preserving our region’s history and making it available to the public since 1928. It operates its flagship museum in the heart of Balboa Park as well as the Junípero Serra Museum in historic Presidio Park and tells the diverse stories from our region’s past. The History Center is the steward of our heritage and the principal resource for San Diego history. No other institution is solely devoted to preserving San Diego’s collective history and enhancing community identity.For more information visit


About the San Diego Mesa College Fashion Program

As part of San Diego Mesa College's Fashion program, students can create inventive designs and projects while informing our culture. Students will learn how to capture their artistic vision efficiently by using digital technology, and apply knowledge from courses in sketching, sewing, pattern making, and draping to physically bring designs to life. Students will learn styling, how to interpret trends, and execute stunning visual displays. In addition, students will be using the latest technologies to track sales, interpret analytics, and create tech-packs and marketing materials.  Mesa students immerse themselves in the local fashion community with opportunities to participate in field excursions and study abroad, hold internship positions, and learn from our expert faculty and knowledgeable guest speakers. Mesa’s curriculum is curated by faculty who possess extensive industry experiences with insights from an advisory committee of fashion professionals. Students will find support on and off campus to achieve their goals to enter a fashion profession or pursue further education at another institution. Our alumni have competed on Project Runway and found employment with Dior, Steve Madden, Volcom, and many more. Learn more at:


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