February 27, 2024
Incoming San Diego Mesa College Students Can Learn about College and Free Tuition
at “Jumpstart” Event on Sat., March 9
Attendees could win one of TWO $500 scholarships and learn about free tuition through
the San Diego Promise Program
By Jennifer Kearns
San Diego, CA ---- On Saturday, March 9 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., Mesa College
will host “Jumpstart Your Success.” Jumpstart is a FREE community event for prospective Mesa College students of all
ages. Students and their families can learn about Mesa College programs and services,
including the San Diego Promise, which offers free tuition to eligible students. Families
can learn more and should RSVP at www.sdmesa.edu/Jumpstart.
“This is a great event for prospective students and family members as they explore
Mesa College. When they visit us during JumpStart, they will experience all the enriching
opportunities we offer through academic and student support services, such as access
to free tuition, university transfer options and work force development,” Victoria
Kerba Miller, Dean of Student Affairs. “We have current students, staff and faculty
on hand to provide encouragement and support our students’ in succeeding on their
journey here at Mesa.”
During the festivities, students will “get a feel for a day in the life of a Mesa
College student” through workshops that highlight campus academic and student support
resources, including financial aid and the Honors Program. Students will be able to
interact with Peer Navigators, Student Ambassadors and the Associated Students. Entertainment
will include Mesa College’s World Music, Dance and Jazz Quartet. FREE lunch will be
provided (while supplies last). A special track for students interested in transitioning
from the College of Continuing Education will also be offered.
Students attending Jumpstart will have their names entered in the opportunity drawing to win one of TWO $500 scholarships
to be applied toward enrollment fees during their first semester at Mesa College. Recipients must be graduating high school seniors or students transferring from the
College of Continuing Education to enter, and be present to win.
Last year, more than 350 prospective students attended Jumpstart. Those planning to
attend this year’s event are encouraged to register for free online. For more information about Jumpstart, contact Victoria Miller at vmiller@sdccd.edu or (619) 388-2699.
Find San Diego Mesa College on Social Media:
Facebook.com: sandiegomesacollege
Twitter.com: sdmesacollege
Instagram.com: sdmesacollege
Youtube: youtube.com: sdmesacollege
Snapchat: sdmesacollege
LinkedIn: San Diego Mesa College
Tags: Student Ambassadors, Free Tuition, Peer Navigators, Mesa Students, Associated Students, Jumpstart