
November 8, 2016

‘Mesa Visions’ Writing Contest Returns

By Lauren J. Mapp

Students, faculty and staff are invited to participate in the annual, Mesa Visions Art and Literary magazine contest by submitting works of fiction, creative nonfiction or poetry by Dec. 9.

Students, faculty and staff are invited to participate in the annual, Mesa Visions Art and Literary magazine contest by submitting works of fiction, creative nonfiction or poetry by Dec. 9.


Selectees will be notified during the spring 2017 semester and will be invited to a ceremony for the winners, where they will receive a free copy of the magazine. Prizes will also be awarded in the form of $100 for first place, $75 for second place, $50 for third place and $25 for honorable mention.


The Mesa Visions Magazine has been published for the past 10 years, with about 200 copies printed per issue. The first selection of pieces are judged by students in the ENGL 294 and 294B classes before moving onto a second round of judging by English faculty.


Pegah Motaleb, English Department assistant professor, said that the judges look for “writing that is powerful, moving and relevant.”


“It's creative ways in which the author uses language to drive home a point about the human condition or experience,” Motaleb said of what makes a particular piece standout.

To enter, you must be a student, staff or faculty member at Mesa College, and submissions are limited to 2,000 words or less for fiction and creative nonfiction pieces, and 50 lines or less for poetry pieces. Participants can submit up to one fiction, one creative nonfiction and three poetry pieces.


One piece will be guaranteed to be included in the magazine for students who sign up for ENGL 294A or 294B, which is an English honors course that designs and edits the magazine.


The entry form for submissions can be found at, and submissions are then sent to For more information, contact Professor Pegah Motaleb via email at or Professor Jorge Villalobos at

Tags: Mesa Visions, English Department

Additional Information


Jennifer Nichols Kearns
Director of Communications
(619) 388-2759

Pegah Motaleb
Assistant Professor, Department of English