San Diego Mesa College's faculty and staff have a wide variety of skills and expertise ranging from local politics, ethnomusicology, and American literature to genetics, physics, and behavioral analysis. Specialists are associated with one or more categories that are either in their field of study or general interest. More
Specialists can be found either by filtering by subject or search. Use the filters to find all specialists in a broad subject. Use search to find specialists in more specific areas. The search takes into account not just the topics but all the additional information listed as well. To search simply enter a phrase or keyword into the search box and the list will filter down to relevant specialist. Click on any name to view additional details.
Specialist can be sorted by name, expertise/interest, or department. Simply click on the header.
The specialists list is maintained by the Office of Communications. For questions, comments or to submit your information to be added as a specialist please contact Jennifer Nichols Kearns, Director of Communications. Those individuals whose information is listed have agreed to be contacted by and responsive to media requests.
Name | Expertise/Interests | Department |
Vice PresidentStudent Services![]() |
Student Equity, Student Success, Student Conduct, Student Life Area of ExpertiseStudent Success & Equity, Student Engagement, Student Life, Student ConductMore: Ashanti Hands has a proven track record in student services at Mesa College. From 2008 to 2015, she served as Dean of Student Affairs at Mesa College. By working closely with Mesa’s 30+ student clubs and organizations, Ashanti increased student engagement on campus through activities and events such as Welcome Week and Homecoming. She was named Vice President of Student Services in early January. In this role, she is responsible for departments including counseling, admissions and records, financial aid, and disability services. Role at MesaVice President, Student ServicesDegrees
Student Services |